Phase 19

Dear Sheska,

It was nice to finally see you again after all these years. I was happy to see that your mother was doing much better. Thank you again for showing me around Central City. It was so much fun meeting Colonel Mustang, Lieutenant Hawkeye, and everyone else that you work with. It's one thing to hear about the famous Flame Alchemist, but to see him in person is another thing! Seeing such a magnificent military officer has fired up my creative writing once more!

Also, thanks for introducing me to Ms. Winry. Her automail skills are amazing! But even more so is her cooking! Ah...I miss her scrumptious food already! Have the two of you come to an agreement yet on whether cooking is an art or science? Sheska, I can't wait to see you and everyone else again.

Your cousin,
Stephen Lisowski


A smile of content mixed in with a slight cringe was visible on the bespectacled, mousy-haired girl's face as she placed the letter on the desk. She was presently in the National Central Library in Central City. Although the short-haired girl no longer worked in the library, Sheska still loved to stop by every so often to take in the sight and smell of the literary texts when she was not working at her desk job in the Records Department at Central Command. As today was her day off, Sheska found no better place to be at than the Central Library.

Stephen Lisowski was Sheska's cousin from her mother's side of the family. The two bore a similar resemblance to one another, and more than once were mistaken to be siblings. Just as Sheska had an obsession for books, Stephen had a fancy for writing and would constantly carry several pens and notebooks in his messenger bag wherever he went.

About a month ago, Stephen had unexpectedly popped into town. Sheska got quite the surprise when the young man showed up unannounced at her doorstep one day. That's how he was -- "a spontaneous, free bird" -- as Stephen liked to refer to himself as. So the private officer had to play host to an unexpected guest -- not that she bore any grudges against him -- taking him on a tour of Central City and meeting many of her friends and acquaintances.

Some awkward moments came up whenever Edward's name was mentioned -- with Stephen wishing that he had gotten to Central sooner so he could meet the "Fullmetal Alchemist: Hero of the People". Everyone knew that he meant no harm, but Stephen's inquiries about Edward had caused some uncomfortable feelings among her peers.

At the mention of Winry's name in the letter, Sheska recalled her first trip into her friend's hometown. She had been surprised by the remoteness of Resembool -- but looking back, it had been a good hideout for her and Winry in their escape from the military. The two girls had been in a perilous situation after discovering that the previous Fuhrer's secretary, Captain Juliet Douglas, was a Homunculus. With help from Sergent Denny Brosh and Second Lieutenant Maria Ross, the girls had escaped with their lives and took to laying low in Resembool.

After Edward's mysterious disappearance, Sheska and Winry had visited each other on occasion for emotional support and to catch up on the latest news. Lately, rumors had been circulating in Central Headquarters -- rumors involving Edward. The brown-haired girl heaved a sigh -- her shoulders slumping -- and looked out the library window -- debating on whether or not she should discuss what she had overheard with the automail engineer the next time they met.


Up in the sky, a lone crow began its descent in altitude -- the feathers of its majestic wings glistening in the sunlight. The bird came to rest on the bare branch of a tree -- emitting a few caws as its head tilted one way and then another, as if in search of something.

Shortly after, beaded-black eyes became fixated in a particular direction. The crow let out another caw before flapping its wings to take flight once more.


His body tensed. He could feel something in the air around him. Someone was coming. Someone that he knew.

From his seated position, the boy stared at his shadow on the stone wall in front of him. In the blink of an eye, the shadow of a bird loomed above the wall. With another blink, the shadow metamorphosed into a tall, slim figure.

The boy gasped and spun around.


"Izumi!" the distraught Sig exclaimed -- standing by helplessly as his wife coughed up another round of blood into her handkerchief.

The woman was sitting in a wooden chair in the kitchen -- exerting as much effort as she could to get her discomfort and labored breathing under control. She wiped her mouth with the unsoiled handkerchief that her husband provided.

"Thank you, my dear. I'm starting to feel better now."

Sig remained worrisome. "The time interval between your coughing fits has been getting shorter recently. Izumi, if this continues you will -- " He placed a hand on his wife's shoulder, unable to finish his words out loud.

Izumi placed a hand on top of her husband's and looked into his eyes. "This has not only been plaguing me, but you've also had to endure on my behalf. I'm ready for this to end, but..." Her words trailed off. She turned away as a slight frown creased her brow. "It's just...I only wish..."

Before she could finish her thought, the couple were interrupted by a loud bang that came from the front of their house.


The front door burst open -- revealing Envy -- who invited himself into the Curtises' living room. The unexpected guest had a large sack hoisted up on one shoulder. Movements and sounds could be seen and heard coming from it. Whatever was inside was alive.

The Curtises' rushed in. Izumi gasped in surprise. "Senior Brother?!"

As Sig and Izumi watched, Envy threw the sack down and untied it -- revealing a disheveled, bound and gagged Wrath.

Another gasp emitted from the housewife.

Wrath struggled to break free from the ropes that were tied around his ankles and wrists; but his actions were in vain. Envy had secured them tightly. Although Wrath was weaker and less experienced than Envy, the latter knew not to underestimate the strength of a fellow Homunculus.

"I'm not going to untie you if you keep struggling," the older Homunculus warned. His words had an effect on Wrath -- who ceased to move.

Staying true to his promise, Envy released Wrath from his confines; but as soon as he was freed, Wrath bolted towards the exit -- and was promptly shoved back into the middle of the room.

"Why'd you bring me here?! Let me go!"

"Just listen to what your mother has to say!"

"She's not my mommy! My mommy..." Wrath clutched the sides of his head, "... she's dead! Edward killed her!" An anguish wail escaped from him.

"Sloth was not your mother. You only pretended she was, because you couldn't face your real mother." Envy's tone was even. His gaze was downcast.

Tears of agony gushed forth from the younger Homunculus' eyes as he shook his head vigorously. "No! You're wrong!" He made another dash for the door, but his second attempt at escape proved no better than the first. A metal fist was caught in a flesh hand -- Envy having blocked the punch that Wrath threw at him.

"My son..." Izumi's hand was halfway extended towards her child, but the housewife's words were cut short by a fresh wave of pain coursing through her body. She vomited a mouthful of blood in her hand and collapsed to the floor.


Wrath and Envy stop their struggles and turn to face the couple.

Izumi was on her knees -- the palm of one hand pressing against the floor and the other to her bloodstained mouth. Beside her, Sig closed his eyes in anguish. When he opened them again, they were turned towards Wrath.

"Don't blame your mother. It's not her fault. I was the one who killed you."

Everyone froze.

Not a sound was heard.

Even Izumi's coughing fits had stopped. 

A look of horror appeared on Wrath's face. "What...did you say?" he asked in disbelief.

"My dear..." The alchemist turned to her husband with a forlorn expression.

"Your mother has always loved you; even before you were born. The both of us had always wanted a child of our own. But when the time came for you to come into this world, your mother -- she was in so much pain; I didn't think she would make it. I thought I was going to lose her, and I couldn't bear the thought of not having her by my side anymore. I thought -- I thought that if she could be saved we could always go on to have more children; but then -- "

As tears flowed down her husband's cheeks, Izumi called to mind the result of the human transmutation attempt on her deceased infant; and her regret of returning the baby Homunculus to the Gate where he grew up to despise his creator.

"Ultimately, I was the one who terminated your mother's pregnancy and ended your life. I'm the one you should hate, not her."

Wrath lowered his head -- his bangs obscuring his eyes as he let the words sink in. His lips began to quiver, and in no time his whole body started trembling.

"My son..." Izumi forced herself upright and slowly approached her distraught child. "I know I've wronged you. I should never have turned my back on you. I don't ask that you forgive me. I just hope..." She wrapped her arms around Wrath, pulling him into an embrace. "...that with the time I have left, you will let me be your mother and give you a real life."

A somewhat dazed look was apparent on the young Homunculus' face as his mind attempted to process everything that had just taken place. Meanwhile, Sig and Envy stood silently watching the mother and son.


Warm and tender eyes stared contently at the child whose head was resting on her lap -- stroking his hair gently while he slept.

Sig appeared in the living room -- a blanket in one hand. He approached the sofa and draped the fabric on top of his son. Then his eyes met Izumi's. A mutual feeling passed between the couple.

"Sig, promise me that you will look after our child after I'm gone."

The burly man was at a lost for words. His eyes welled up with tears, causing his wife to do the same. He wrapped his strong arms around her as they both wept silently.


Outside, within view of the Curtis household through a window, a crow took flight from a tree.

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